الإنعام نت ،منتدى ،للجميع، تجد فيه كل مايسعدك

   Review C 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا    Review C 829894
ادارة المنتدي    Review C 103798

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انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

الإنعام نت ،منتدى ،للجميع، تجد فيه كل مايسعدك

   Review C 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا    Review C 829894
ادارة المنتدي    Review C 103798

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الإنعام نت ،منتدى ،للجميع، تجد فيه كل مايسعدك

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
الإنعام نت ،منتدى ،للجميع، تجد فيه كل مايسعدك

**بقول لكل المصريين اطرحوا انتماءتكم السياسية جانبنا وفكروا فى مصر فمصر لكل المصريين وليست لفئة دون أخرى ، أدعوكم لمليونية تعمير مصر ، شارك فى بناء وطنك ، اخلص فى عملك *

    Review C

    الدين والحياة

    عدد المساهمات : 14501
    نقاط : 35105
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/06/2010
    العمر : 60
    الموقع : مصر

       Review C Empty Review C

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin 14/04/12, 02:13 pm

    Word Word Word
    do quiz
    Olympic sign
    world cup
    Pan Arab Games
    depend on
    proud of
    Champions League
    sheet of paper
    paper water skiing
    by air
    credit card
    Suez Canal
    pen friend
    hunt for
    on camels
    Roman times
    Germans jewellery
    trade centres
    sea routes
    look like
    dream of
    based on
    take photos

    Listening text
    Teacher :
    Ok , today we are going to do a quiz about international sport. Team A , here is your first question, where did the Olympic Games take place in 2004 ?

    Ali :
    Er , was it London ?
    Teacher :
    No, it wasn't. Team B, do you know the answer?
    Nadia :
    I think it was Athens.
    Teacher :
    Correct ! That is one point to team B . Now it is team B's question : How many circles are there in the Olympic Games sign ?
    Nanu :
    I know that . There are definitely five circles.
    Teacher :
    That is right . And now Team A again : what are the five Olympic circles?
    Hasani :
    Are they Asia , Africa , Europe, the Americas and Oceania?
    Teacher :
    Right ! You have scored your first point. Team B : who won the football World Cup in 2006?
    Nadia :
    Was it France?
    Teacher :
    No, I am sorry, it wasn't . Team A , do you know ?
    Ali :
    Yes, it was Italy – they beat France in the final.
    Teacher :
    That is two point each. Ok, Team A , this is your last question: where did the Pan Arab Games take place in 2007?
    Najja :
    Cairo. I know that because I watched it on television.
    Teacher :
    Correct . That is three points. Well done ! now Team B , here is your last question: where did the first international tennis matches take place ?

    Siti :
    I know it was England. Was it a place called Wimbledon ?
    Teacher :
    You are right. They started there in 1877.


    1 – Choose the correct answer :
    Ahmad is at the station----------- he is meeting his grandfather.
    a – who b – which c – where d – when
    2 – The first person-------------spoke English to me was my uncle.
    a – which b – that c – he d – to
    3 – I have just---------------to my brother on the phone.
    a – spoken b – spoke c – speak d – speaking
    4 – When he was five, my brother ------------watch all programmes.
    a – use b – uses c – used d – used to
    5 – Where did you use to play when you were a / an -----------------?
    a – toddler b – adult c – parent d – leader
    7 – Some countries have ------------with each other for thousands of years.
    a – sold b – bought c – traded d – business
    8 – International corporations ---------workers in many different countries .
    a – buy b – employ c – distribute d – take
    9 – My cousin hopes to take ------------in the next Olympic Games.
    a – place b – care c – off d – part
    10 – International sport can -----------individuals and their countries.
    a – afford b – admire c – benefit d – distribute
    11 – There are ---------------------circles in the Olympic Games sign.
    a – four b – three c – two d – five
    12 – Each circle represents a -----------------------
    a – country b – world c – continent d – city
    13 – The Arab only take part in the ---------------------
    a – Olympics b – Champions league c – Pan Arab Games d – African Cup
    14 – In 2008 , Egyptians were proud -----------------Hesham Mesbah
    a – with b – of c – by d – at
    15 – the letter ' e ' in e-mail refers to ------------------mail.
    a – electric b – electrical c – electronic d – electrician

    16 – Two years ago, I ---------------a TV programme about China.
    a – watch b – have watched c – watched d – watching

    How trade Began

    thousands of years , people produced most of what they needed themselves. They grew crops and hunted for food. However, they learned that they could have more goods if they traded with other countries . Groups of traders from Babylon travelled thousands of kilometers on camels in caravans. But because they had to carry food for themselves and their animals, there was little space for goods. For this reason, these traders carried small , valuable things like gold and diamonds.

    Roman Times, trade became very important . The Romans traded with China and brought silk to Europe. Roman ships also brought tin from Britain , wheat from Africa and jewellery from the East. After the Romans , there was less trade , but in the twelfth century , it increased again. The Italian cities of Venice and Genoa became the world's most important trade centres. From Venice, traders travelled to China, bringing back spices and silk. In the fourteenth century , Arab traders visited India and China.

    the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries , global trade increased . Great traders from Spain and Portugal opened many new sea routes. Later, European companies in America started exporting sugar , rice , potatoes and tobacco to Europe and importing expensive goods like silk and jewellery.

    today's global economy, it is easy to carry goods quickly and cheaply by air, road and railway. For more than a hundred years , world trade has been increasing and , as the world becomes a smaller place, trade between countries will continue to increase.

    With my best wishes


    1 – Respond to each of the following situation:
    1 – Your friend asks you how a team wins at football.
    2 – You suggest reading the story of the spiders.
    3 – A tourist asks you the way to the museum.
    4 – Your friend asks you about your favourite book.

    2 – Say where each of the following situation took place :
    1 – A : How can I help you ?
    B : I want a cup of coffee , please.
    A : How do you like it?
    B : Black.

    2 – A : Can I meet the manager?
    B : Please, have a seat till he finishes.
    A : Ok, thanks.

    3– Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
    1 – In the past people used to ------------most of their things themselves.
    1 – eat b – export c – produce d – present
    2 – They grew crops and hunted-------------------food.
    a – for b – by c – to d – in
    3 – My friend trades ----------------cotton and linen.
    a – in b – with c – for d – to
    4 – People used to travel on camels in groups known as ----------------
    a – caravans b – styles c – camps d – teams
    5 – Where did you-----------to play?
    a – using b – used c – use d – uses
    6 – He decided ------------------he wanted to take part in it.
    a – to b – for c – that d – than

    7 – As well as -----------------football, he watched the film.
    a – play b – playing c – played d – to play
    8 – In addition to trading goods , merchants traded ------------
    a – ideas b – homes c – films d – mobiles
    9 – Who ------------------the wheel? – by the Sumerians.
    a – discovered b – invented c – bought d – mended
    10 – Now , there are many kinds ---------------bicycles.
    a – of b – in c – from d – by
    4 – Find the mistake and write the sentence correctly:
    1 – We use tin to making bronze.
    2 – Ayman is old than Najat.
    3 – He came first and won the silver medal.
    4 – The radio was discovered by Marconi.
    5 – The opposite of advantages is benefits.
    6 – In the past traders used to travel in planes.

    5 - – Translation
    A – Translate into Arabic:
    In the past , trade-the buying and selling of large quantities of goods – was on a small scale. Today trade has greatly developed and increased. Goods are now transported quickly and safely by air , sea and railway.

    B – Translate into English :
    1 – هل من السهل أن يتسلق المرء جبل إفرست بسهولة هذة الأيام ؟
    2 – تصدر مصر الكثير من المنتجات الجيدة للخارج كل عام .

    With best wishes 

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 01/06/24, 03:47 pm